The mission of the company is to give people the last freedom, access to carefully curated risk-free investment opportunities in the property market worldwide. At Realiste, our goal is to revolutionize the transaction cycle in the real estate industry.
With 100,000+ registered users in 2023, currently, there is nothing quite like our AI-based real estate exchange platform in the world. With a solid track record of successful business operations in key locations such as Dubai, Abu Dhabi (UAE), and Bali (Indonesia), where we've achieved a break even point in the 1st year operations with an impressive 65% sales margin.
Transactional Based Business model
- 63% operating margin
- 10% costs of sales
- LTV/CAC 500%+
According to the Realiste Dubai company case with improving its value from $1.5 to $65m in 6 months, we are confident that we can achieve similar results in any major city around the world within 1-2 years and secure an exit strategy for our partners.
- Realiste Holding buyback
- Secondary Market
- Investments round (Seed, round A)
- Acquisition (M&A)
- Dividends
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