Expansion includes the following stages:
1. City Selection
Choose any city worldwide where Realiste has not yet established a presence. Realiste employs a data-driven approach to select the most captivating cities, typically from a list of the top 200 cities globally. However, under special circumstances, Realiste may consider cities that are not on the list if there are compelling reasons.
2. City Partnership Inquiry
Contact the Realiste team to verify if the chosen city is available for partnership.
3. Signing the Term Sheet with Realiste Holding
4. Seeking an Investor
The investor and new founder must actively search for seed money or consider taking on the role themselves to secure funds for licensing in the city and facilitating the launch. The license encompasses rights to Realiste AI in the local area, the AI model with accompanying data, and all established business developments.
5. Payment
Upon company formation, the investor will receive a 10% stake in the new company and transfer the rights to the Realiste software license to the new company's assets. This involves a payment of $500,000 ($300,000 for the launch, and $200,000 for company development).
6. Initial Program Launch
Within 2-3 weeks, Realiste will initiate the first version of the program for the chosen city. This version will encompass most of the system's functionality, although the data may still be raw and imprecise.
7. Company Setup
The Realiste team and the investor will jointly appoint an agent to establish the new company. In this process, Realiste will obtain 90% ownership, with the investor retaining 10% in exchange for transferring the software license. Within three months, the Realiste team will identify a managing partner for the new venture, transferring necessary resources for operations. The managing partner will secure $300,000 to $500,000 from local investors and assemble a team. At this stage, the investor holds 10%, the managing partner 49%, and Realiste Holding company retains 51%.
8. Transaction Documents
9. Business Model Testing
The managing partner will spend 3-4 months testing up to 5 potential business models in the market and select 1-2 models best suited for the local market.
10. Scaling
The founder must be actively involved in pursuing additional investments for the company, focusing on rounds A and potentially B. Realiste is open to adjusting the ownership structure if required.
11. Sale of the Company
If an offer to purchase the company operating in the city is received and both investors and the team vote in favor of the sale, Realiste will separate the product for that city from the main core. The product will be transferred to the ownership of a local company (IPBox) to facilitate its sale at a high valuation within the local market. The product will continue to operate in the same manner, but it cannot be used in other cities.